Hello Lovely.

Okay my project is starting off bad but I feel like I’ve been running around like a crazy person. I want to start off by saying that my IVF meds have been ordered and will be shipped out tonight, thanks to a wonderful woman I call my sister. I am starting my IVF this week and I am so excited and so terrified at the same time. I can feel my heart racing at just the thought of it all. I know this journey is going to be so hard and it may end tragically but I’m so ready to start it. This is the last chance I’m giving myself at carrying a child. If this doesn’t work I will be done trying. There is only so much heartbreak a woman can take. With each baby I have had they have taken a huge chunk of me when they left and a person can only lose so much of themselves. So fingers and toes crossed!

Now on to the festivities! So todays prompt is

“Something You Feel Strongly About”

Food isn’t just something that we put in our mouths so we don’t feel hungry anymore, but it’s what fuels our body. I feel very strongly about diet and what we put into our bodies and what the “surgeon general” has said is actually okay for our bodies. There are so many different chemicals that we take in that we don’t need. So many additives in our food that it is actually causing sickness amongst us. It is killing us and it’s just being fed to us more and more and there isn’t anyone stopping it. I don’t understand how or why organic food is so much more pricey than GMO food. It has less chemicals and less additives but where I live you will have to sell an arm and a leg to afford just organic food. Point is that I just find it absolutely disgusting what is allowed to be sold and consumed.